
Keep Your Pet Safe From These Backyard Hazards

Are you planning on bringing your four-legged friend outdoors with you this summer? It sure is a lot of fun to include our pets in backyard gatherings or a daytime gardening session. Just make sure they stay safe! Here, your London, ON veterinarian tells you about several common hazards:

Outdoor Pests

Don’t let your pet fall victim to the infestations, infections, and illnesses caused by outdoor pests like fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and parasitic worms like heartworm and roundworm. Avoid the problem entirely by having your pet wear seasonal or year-round preventative medications. See your vet right away if your pet needs such measures.

Pesticides and Fertilizers

Beware of the pesticides and fertilizers you spray on your garden, lawn, and landscaping, as these chemicals may prove poisonous to our pets. Keep your furry companion indoors when spraying chemicals, and don’t let them munch on recently treated plants or grass. Also be sure to store these chemicals safely where pets won’t be able to gain access.


Did you know that pets can suffer from allergies to pollen, dust, dirt, and other allergens just like humans can? If you’ve noticed your pet sniffling, sneezing, or scratching themselves more than usual this summer, an allergic reaction may be to blame. Set up an appointment to see your veterinarian, because allergy medications may be the only way to offer your pet some relief.

Poisonous Plants and Flowers

Keep in mind that plenty of common garden plants and flowers aren’t good for pets. The list is quite long, but some of the more common offenders include the sago palm, aloe plants, lilies, daffodils, ivy, oleander, tulips, chrysanthemums, dieffenbachia, elephant ear, and azalea. Check with your vet to find out what sort of toxic plant life may be common in your area, and take steps to remove them from your garden or landscaping at once.

Heat and Sun

Of course, another summer danger is the heat and sun. Pets’ fur coats don’t keep them very well-equipped for hot weather, so it’s important that you allow them back indoors into the air conditioning on a regular basis. Also make sure they have a bowl of cool, fresh water to drink from at all times.

These aren’t the only outdoor pet dangers that your four-legged friend may face this time of year. To learn more about keeping your pet safe from harm, contact your London, ON animal clinic.

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