
Ugly Dog Day

There’s a rather unique pet holiday coming up. Ugly Dog Day is June 20th! We of course love all our canine patients, and we think they’re all very lovable in their own way. That said, there definitely are some pups out there that got the short end of the stick in this area. A London, ON vet celebrates ugly dogs below.

Ugly Dog Day

Every year, the Ugly Dog contest is held in Sonoma, California. (If you think your pooch may have a shot at the prize, you can register here.) Just keep in mind that the point here isn’t to poke fun at Fido. Okay, well, maybe it is … but it’s also a celebration of the less perfect pups out there. Many previous winners were rescued or abandoned, and are now beloved pets!

Adopting An Ugly Dog

If you’re looking to adopt a new pet, don’t just automatically pass by that unusual-looking pooch with a face only a mother could love. Fido may very well turn out to be the most loving and loyal pet ever! He probably also has slim odds of getting adopted, as he has to compete with dogs that are more conventionally adorable. Consider giving that sad, sweet underdog a chance at happiness.

Celebrating Ugly Dogs

Ugly dogs sometimes manage to be even more adorable than other pups. If nothing else, they definitely keep us laughing! If you know or suspect that your canine buddy may fall into the realm of ugly dogs, be sure to treat him to a yummy snack or a new toy on this special occasion. After all, Fido’s heart is what really matters!

Fun For A Cause

You can find lists and galleries of Ugly Dog champions online. It’s hard not to chuckle at the more unusual-looking pups out there. Some of our canine companions seem to have been randomly assembled out of parts leftover from other dogs! Fido may look like a cross between Yoda, a gremlin, and a musk ox, but he’s still a very good boy.

Doggy Beauty Treatments

Proper care, diets, and grooming all play huge roles in your furry friend’s overall appearance. Good care will help Fido look his best! Do some breed research, and ask your vet for care tips.

Do you need to book your pooch an appointment at the salon? Contact us, your London, ON animal clinic, today!

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