
Fluffy’s First Christmas

Are you celebrating the holidays with a kitten this year? That means this holiday season is going to be super special … and super cute! Little Fluffy is certainly adorable. She’s also pretty mischievous, and has a habit of getting into, well, everything. A London, ON vet offers some tips on keeping your frisky ball of fur safe and purring below.

Decorate Carefully

Keep your tiny bundle of friskiness in mind as you decorate. Fluffy will want to practice her hunting skills on, well, pretty much everything. However, she doesn’t know what is and isn’t safe. Some of the biggest hazards are things with ropes and cords, such as tinsel, lights, garlands, and ribbons. These all pose serious choking and entanglement hazards. Small or sharp objects, such as ornaments and ornament hooks, are also unsafe. Be careful with candles and fireplaces as well. Make sure little Fluffy can’t get to any open flames. We also recommend keeping seasonal plants out of paws’ reach. Many popular ones, such as holly, ivy, and poinsettias, are toxic to pets.

Offer Lots Of Toys

There are few things cuter than kittens playfully pouncing on their toys. Fill little Fluffy’s stocking with plenty of playthings. Your pint-sized pal may also appreciate some pet furniture and, of course, some empty boxes.

Take Pictures

Kittens take some really cute holiday photos. Be sure to capture these special moments, as your feline pal’s adorable toddler stage won’t last long!

Keep An Eye On The Furball

Little Fluffy can fit into some really small spaces. Your tiny pet can get behind or beneath cushions, or crawl under a blanket. Kittens don’t make very big lumps, which puts them in danger of being sat or stepped on. If you’re having a party, put your fuzzy buddy in a quiet back room, with food, bedding, a litterbox, and toys. Be sure to check on her often. You can also invite your guests to pet her and play with her. Socialization is very important for our feline friends!

Take Time To Bond

Kittens can form very strong attachments to their owners, but that special relationship needs to be nurtured. Spend some downtime with little Fluffy, and let her snooze on your lap. Sleeping cats are the ‘purrfect’ finishing touch to any holiday scene.

Happy Holidays from everyone at Firth Veterinary Hospital, your London, ON animal clinic. Contact us anytime!

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